Monday, February 23, 2015

Advertising my reports to on Facebook and Twitter

Growing my Twitter followers

This is the screenshot of my Twitter page before I start this assignment. I have 27 followings and 14 followers

As similar to any social media networks, posting any new post - Tweet - can always bring more people and followers

On the left side of my Twitter profile page, there is a section where it lets you see the list of people to follow. It shows not only people but also businesses and institutions
By creating or updating your header image, it will stand out in the news feed where it will bring more people and grab more user's attention

Commenting on any of the friends' or relevant news/tweets is also one of the simplest ways to advertise yourself
Retweeting is always the method to make the post reappear on the news feed and opens up to the other user's pages. 

By creating a hashtags, it will make you easier to use it next time and make it rank higher in the search engines

Growing my Facebook followers

This is the screenshot of my Facebook page before I started doing this assignment

This is updated post of my cover photo and posting/changing the cover photo will grab people's attention
One can Share Original Content and by sharing the posts, one can spread the posts further in the networks.
one can Link Your Profile to Your Page and it is simple process that could make you with more followers - thus make it easy for users to find one's job (Business Page) also. 

one can click on find people and you will see "people I may know" in which the page will transfer you to list of people that shares mutual friends with you
Although it may seem very less important, updating status is the simplest yet the most widely used technique to gain more followers and friends

Sponsored Like Ad: there are almost everyone sponsored like ad page created by each group/business/sponsors, in which you can click a like button and widen your network

This is an assignment from the Immersive Education course that I am taking at Boston College. The course is called Collaborative Computing. For details, visit the immersive BC portal at

3D Printing


The Immersive Education Initiative works to redefine our educational system with new digital technologies and virtual aspects. In past week, IMMERSION 2015 has been chosen as the official site that will take place in Paris, France. The guests and speakers, mostly education and technology related professionals, will be attending at the conference and discuss about many types of immersive technologies. The specific date is expect to be announced in March.

For more information can be found at 

It is only a year ago when I first came across with 3D printing. I was in the downtown Boston near Newbury Street and I saw something created from the machine. I did not have any clue on what the structured 3D shape was, what was it for and why, but I can tell anyone that it really looked cool and moreover, I thought it could be the next innovative technology that can be used in many areas for various purposes.

It creates a 3 dimensional virtual design objects from a digital file that the customer/user wants to create. First, the design is made in a Computer Aided Design file using a program that provides a 3D modeling. Its applications composes of architecture, entertainment, education, and etc, in which can be printed in many types of forms like plastic, metal, nylon, and much more materials that the user wants to use.

3D printing is also called as additive manufacturing that brings a whole new level of technology in our contemporary society. Also, I was heard that in near future, many people will possess a 3D printer just like the 2D printer that are used widely today. When the 3D printer becomes more prevalent, one can probably then use the 3D printer to create pretty much anything theoretically if a digital file exists.

I personally think that 3D Printing and Google Glass can bring a great change/ transformation in a digital technology market. With 3D printer, one can create any parts that are in need instantly right on the spot and I still can only imagine such technology and machine in movies or the virtual world.

This is an assignment from the Immersive Education course that I am taking at Boston College. The course is called Collaborative Computing. For details, visit the immersive BC portal at

Google Glass


The Immersive Education Initiative works to redefine our educational system with new digital technologies and virtual aspects. In past week, IMMERSION 2015 has been chosen as the official site that will take place in Paris, France. The guests and speakers, mostly education and technology related professionals, will be attending at the conference and discuss about many types of immersive technologies. The specific date is expect to be announced in March.

For more information can be found at 

Google Glass has been widely advertised in which almost everyone has once heard or come across in a web now. It gained a great interest from many people all around the world with this new innovative technology embedded in an optical head-mounted display. It is created by Google and looks similar to the regular glasses except that it displays various information on the “lens” as hands-free format.

It is very useful glass that allows the user with various features like navigation, strava run, golf-sight, SwingByte, Send Message, Google Play Music, and much more. I personally find navigation technologies in our today’s society are developing very rapidly – navigation/map is the one of the most used technology for general people. Navigation usually exists and used mostly in phone, Internet, and car, and I think since the past few years, I can see how quickly the features are updated and changing.

Another feature that I personally find the most interesting feature is the GolfSight. I have been playing golf since I was very young and I really enjoy playing it especially in the warm weather with courses filled with other than the snow. GolfSight is a GPS for golfer that will provide the user with useful data like accurate pin distance, course data, and scoring information. I think it is very convenient since the players do not have to carry around the scoring sheet.

Lastly, the feature that allows the user to send a message just through your glass is seemed just too convenient and useful. Everyone sends messages all the time and it can be used in certain circumstances like driving or skiing where one does not need to look at the phone while doing other things – it might even reduce the car accident. The messages can be send through SMS or Hangouts.

This is an assignment from the Immersive Education course that I am taking at Boston College. The course is called Collaborative Computing. For details, visit the immersive BC portal at