Monday, February 16, 2015

On the road to mastering Facebook

Facebook Features

            There is events feature that is used to inform friends about upcoming events such as social gatherings, birthday, party, etc. When the host sends invitations to the Events, invited friends and guests will receive information about Events including event type, location, date and time, and a list of all of people who were invited by the host. Also, user can always change the setting to be public or private; private events will be hidden from the people who have not been invited.

            Another feature that Facebook provides is Groups. Any users can create Facebook Groups and is group page that allows the member of the group to post any contents. It is usually used for group purposes enabling members to communicate, share information, discuss, and etc. There is also privacy settings and user can always make the group private, hidden from the public.

Messages and inbox
            Messages and inbox is the most basic, yet crucial feature in Facebook. One can send a message to friends through Facebook inbox. User can also create a group message allowing members of the group to chat more conveniently. Moreover, another function of the message is that one can delete the message but it will still exist in the other person’s inbox. It is the simplest and most important feature in communicating with friends in Facebook.

            Although it is very simple feature, I personally think Like is Facebook’s trade mark. There is “like” button in the bottom of every post for anybody to click, and it also shows the total number of like clicked for a post. The like button also functions as a tracking tool to find people’s preferences among the contents and is many times used for advertising related markets.

            Timeline is one of the most major features in Facebook. The new Timeline feature shows user’s all related content. Every uploaded content will be shown in the order of uploaded time - the most recent content on the top. On the other hand, the visibility of the user’s content can be managed from privacy settings so that the content is not shown on a Timeline or the user can even change the settings assigned to each individual friend.

This is an assignment from the Immersive Education course that I am taking at Boston College. The course is called Collaborative Computing. For details, visit the immersive BC portal at   

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