Monday, March 30, 2015

Final Project Step 2: Building My Immersive Learning Space

This was my first time trying Minecraft game. After I learned how this game was used for various purposes and learning tools, I even enjoyed more. I started to create a private space house in a way that I want to construct. One thing that I like the most about my creation is blocks using glass. As I could see through the glass blocks, I used it to make a translucent bridge that goes above the water, so that I could see the water flowing underneath my foot. Overall, I think I will definitely try it another time since it has so much features in the game.  


Glass Bridges: 1000 blocks
Fences: 500 blocks
Concert Hall (brown): 500 blocks
House/building: 1500 blocks
Misc: 1000 blocks

Total (Approx): 4500~5000 blocks

Final Project Step 1: Immersive Learning Spaces

          As I have been taking some classes that learn about online related market/industry, Internet power, and mass media, I have became more aware and acquire better knowledge about this immersing new technology. As the usage of Internet has evolved, other areas of technological innovations also have developed; online marketing, online industries like social media systems, and various businesses and markets in online industries.

Currently, as I am taking Collaborative Computing class, mainly deals with iED directed by Professor Aaron Walsh, I have learned so much about the powers and implications of such technology and also by just experiencing the immersive online education course by itself.  Moreover, for this assignment, I have learned even more after I read, “the Immersive Education Libraries and Museums Technology Working Group (LAM.TWG) charter”. It talks about using virtual online technologies as a learning tool to enhance the teaching technique into a whole another level, particularly for library and museum platform.

For example, by leveraging “through the application of interactive 3D graphics and animation, video game and simulation technology, virtual reality, full, augmented and mixed reality, voice over IP, web cams and other rich digital media”, the LAM.TWG can help many users and learners to communicate faster and efficiently through various multimedia, engage audiences in virtually direct,
3-dimensional experiences of museum, and provides better operation and management of the library enterprise.

As case scenarios refer about Immersive Education Study Rooms, I agree with the possibility of the
success in providing shared virtual place for Immersive Education study room – such as the students
in Japanese class learn and experience Japan indirectly by taking a virtual field trip in simulation,
students using voice chat, utilizing library online services, and sharing thoughts, and students creating learning environment and study room to collaborate and work together virtually on appropriate assignments.

For the reference and further information:

"Immersive Education Libraries and Museums Technology Working Group (LAM.TWG)"

Class 7 Assignment 2: Twitter Group Messages

My team member Alan has created the group message in Twitter and invited us first.

I got in contact with him and Jungbae also responded 

I think we are all on the same page, waiting for the company people to respond

Class 7 Assignment 1: Second Life

Class 7, Minecraft: Interface Fundamentals

I first viewed all of the videos provided because it was my first time trying Minecraft and I did not know anything about it. Then I followed the tutorial as I tried both survival and creative mode. The survival mode was hard for me and I better enjoyed playing in creative mode. I thought it was very interesting after I learned how this game was used for. 

Monday, March 23, 2015

Class 7, Pinging My Favorite Sites

Class 6 Assignment 3

These are the screenshots of the contacts that I posted in the Outreach assignment Google Docs.

Virtual Reality

Oculus Rift

Google Glass

3D Printing 

Report Topic Contacts (3D Printing, Oculus Rift, Google Glass, Virtual Reality)
Here, I used the same technique to find the products and companies related to my previous posts.
As such, these screenshots display the steps in searching for companies specifically in Eastern Europe. This part of assignment took less time than the iED Buzz did because there were so many companies in these areas of topic.

HTC Re Vive

Microsoft Hololens

Samsung VR

Magic Leap

iED Buzz! Contacts (Magic Leap, Samsung VR, Microsoft Hololens, HTC ReVive)
For all of these searches, I have used Google to start to find companies and contacts. These screenshots will show how I arrived to obtain many executives and managers contacts information.
Moreover, I also used many of SNS (LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter) to find employees backward by finding out anyone working in the company.